A Great Day in Aberystwyth

Pastor Geoff Thomas

In complete contrast to the ridiculous idea of having a donkey in a service of worship we were treated to the unadulterated Gospel at Alfred Place Baptist Church yesterday. Here Christ and His cross were at the centre, not donkeys, drums, entertainment and all manner of man-centred trivia. It was great to be in Aber and to hear Geoff Thomas again in his own inimitable way.

In the morning we were in Luke 19:45-48 ‘The Cleansing of the Temple’. In the evening it was Romans 8:11 ‘Christ Raised by the Spirit, and we are to be Raised Also’.

His sermons are available on Sermon Audio. Go here for MP3 Alfred Place for links.

I saw Geoff again this afternoon as he passed in his car. To my surprise he pulled over and we chatted for a while about apologetics and I asked about Greg Bahnsen. He did know him, and at one time Geoff had to stand in for him at an apologetics conference.

We continued to chat about apologetics, I thanked him for the Sunday ministry and in typical Geoff fashion he was back in his car and away.