What is a Worship Leader?

The following notice in our Church Newsletter got me thinking.

WORD ALIVE: returns to Prestatyn in 2014 for two weeks of top quality Bible teaching and Christian fellowship, and is suitable for all ages. The main speaker is Don Carson, and worship leaders include Stuart Townend. Dates are 7-12 or 12-17 April, and there is lots more information available at www.wordaliveevent.org. Or if you have any questions, please speak to …..

What do you think of when you hear or read the phrase Worship Leader? I’m guessing these days it will be of someone (or a group) that leads a section or part of a service – usually the singing or the praise element of a service. Without building a Straw Man to knock down (at least I don’t mean to) this whole concept of a ‘worship part’ of a meeting or service is hugely problematic. Simply put, what then do we call the other parts of our meetings if they are not worship. Or are they something else?

In Reformed thinking the preaching is the height of worship. It is at least the main part of the service. And it’s the part that is specifically commanded by God – ‘preach the Word’ Timothy is told.

I’m reading the Bible chronologically at the moment and have been recently going through the life of David, Solomon and on through the Kings of Israel and Samaria. What we find particularly in the time of David and Solomon is Singers and Musicians specifically appointed for Temple Worship. This is an office peculiar to the Levites. Though it’s obvious let’s say it anyway – this is found in the Old Testament. This is Old Covenant Temple Worship.

When we come to the New Testament, do we find the office of Worship Leader? No, we do not. I’ll say it again in case you missed it – all the singers and musicians appointed for Temple Worship were Levites. Old Testament Worship was heavy in prescribed forms. Everything had to be done a certain way – it was very specific. Why? It pointed to Christ. Now the reality has come – Jesus Christ – all the Old Testament’s elaborate forms have ended. What marks New Testament Worship of the Early Church? Simplicity, and an end to the Temple and all the sacrifices through the Death & Resurrection of Jesus.

By clinging on to Old Testament forms of Worship we are actually dishonoring Christ because as He said ‘It is Finished!

We might not have all the priestly garb but don’t kid yourselves, when you see all the equipment necessary for a modern meeting – it’s anything but simple. We have plenty of elaborate practices that in principle any ritualistic worshiper would be happy with.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not having a go at anyone in particular – but if you want to argue for Worship Leaders, singers and musicians you can’t argue it from the Old Testament.

2 thoughts on “What is a Worship Leader?

  1. I wholeheartedly agree – to add to this the practise of ‘Worship Leaders’ seems to have come about with the more modern music, similar in style to pop music, although I do confess some of the lyrics are fine. My final question is; have we possibly misinterpreted ‘spiritual songs’ which encourage group singing, for hymns, which encourage personal devotional worship of God?

    1. Thanks for the visit and taking the time to leave a comment. Yes, I agree Phil many (not all by a long stretch), of the lyrics are fine. That’s a good question Phil, what exactly is a ‘spiritual song’. Not an easy question to answer. Maybe I’ll come back to this some time.

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