History Lectures for 2015

We have three excellent lectures lined up for 2015. To whet your appetites here are the details.

16th February 2015
Geoff Thomas
‘The Legacy of Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones’

23rd March 2015
Andrew Davies
‘George Whitfield and the Evangelical Revival’

20th April 2015
Austin Walker
‘How Pure is the Church? – Augustine and the Donatists’

Geoff Thomas is Pastor of Alfred Place Baptist Church in Aberystwyth.

Andrew Davies is a retired Pastor  with an itinerant ministry and was also a Lecturer in Church History at London Theological Seminary.

Austin Walker is Pastor of Maidenbower Baptist Church in Crawley, Sussex.

All lectures are on a Monday evening at Bulkington Congregational Church and start at 7.30.

Van Til Lecture

Cornelius Van Til

We were treated last evening to a lecture on ‘Cornelius Van Til’ given by Geoff Thomas (Aberystwyth) in his own inimitable way. The lecture wasn’t the cerebral exercise many were expecting but was a warm lecture full of personal anecdotes and challenge by a man who knew personally Dr Van Til and Dr Martyn Lloyd Jones (You’ll get the connection when you listen to the lecture).

We were warned about the scientific method and evidentialism that hands authority over to man. It’s not for man to decide, it’s for man to repent and believe the Gospel. Preachers (and a lot were at the lecture) were encouraged to preach warmly to the conscience of man knowing there is a God and to not preach a Gospel of probability (my take) but of certainly.

Geoff said after that he should have mentioned ‘Paul at Athens’ and ‘Why I Believe in God’, two booklets by Van Til that are more accessible and available for free. Geoff wished Van Til had written more in this style.

Again as Geoff said afterwards, ‘there’s just so much to say and it’s a massive subject’. But everyone I spoke to and all the conversations I overheard were positive and appreciative of the lecture. He recommended the biography, Cornelius Van Til: Reformed Apologist and Churchman by John R. Muether and a newly released book of 9 sermons by Lloyd Jones, ‘Setting Our Affections upon Glory’.

The best recommendation of the lecture I heard came from a lady sitting in front of me when she said, ‘now I understand Van Til’.

For Van Til resources follow link to a previous post.

I’ll post links to the audio as soon as it becomes available.