Lutterworth, Wycliffe Church & Naseby

Preparing for the Lecture

Nick Needham was due to lecture on the Monday evening (and had already preached on the Sunday) at Bulkington and so in the morning I picked him up from the Manse and headed off to Lutterworth complete with packed lunch. I’d just planned a brief stop in Lutterworth and then on to

Overlooking the fields of the Battle

Naseby to look at the battle site monuments.

As it happened we met one of the Bell Ringers that had been called out to make a repair to the St Marys Church clock. He was very knowledgable concerning all things Wycliffe and to do with the church. We were treated to an impromptu tour of the church and to my delight and surprise ended up in the bell tower and eventually up on the church roof. I asked our guide if they preached the same message as John Wycliffe but we didn’t get very far with that.

It’s great to renew fellowship with friends and so I trust Nick enjoyed the day as much as I did – we had a few laughs anyway. We headed off back to our place (via a garden centre coffee shop) for tea and then back over to Bulkington for the lecture. All in all a grand day.

Highest man in Lutterworth

Hope you  enjoy the pictures.

Nick takes in the view

Romanian Witch tax

As of January 1, Romanian witches, astrologers, fortune tellers, valets and models (bit of a strange mixture) may eventually have to declare their income and pay taxes on it.

I guess they didn’t see that one coming!


Messing about by the River

Over the Christmas period we had a day out at Shrewsbury to do a bit of shopping. While the girls went round the shops I was left to my own devices. I was let loose to wander around Shrewsbury with a camera – a lethal combination as I’m prone to take a lot of pictures. I think I took over a 130 pictures and videos – I just can’t help myself.

After meandering round various passages, churches and other subjects to photograph I ended up walking along the River Severn. It was still partly covered in ice further along from the English Bridge towards the Railway Station. But I heard the sound of ice breaking and turned to see a load of ice being pulled with a log under other ice. At that time the ice was beginning to move as the temperature had warmed up considerably – a swing from -9 to +9 – and the current started moving the ice down the river. It was quite a sight, and sound. The video is one of about five taken at the time. It was really quite something though not on a scale that friends from the US will have experienced. Anyway, enjoy.