Coverage of Eurovision winner shows ‘cult of relativism’ | News | The Christian Institute

What a confused world we live in. For some anyway. The majority of the Western world are not confused about genders but are dragged (mostly apathetically) into a world of relativism. Read the article. See the related article by Brendan O’Neil below.

Coverage of Eurovision winner shows ‘cult of relativism’ | News | The Christian Institute.

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Christian B&B loses Supreme Court appeal | News | The Christian Institute

Yet another nail in the coffin of Free Speech & Religious Liberty.

Christian B&B loses Supreme Court appeal | News | The Christian Institute.


Christians face new free speech threat from ASBO law | News | The Christian Institute

Christians face new free speech threat from ASBO law | News | The Christian Institute.

I’ll post this because it was ready, but there’s more info to follow on this. Here’s more commentary related to the previous post from The Christian Institute. If you follow the above link note this paragraph (my emphasis):

I am sure this was not the intention of the Government, but this legislation was badly conceived, is badly written and will stop many reasonable and hitherto lawful activities.”’

That’s being very polite but I would beg to differ on the above: I am sure it WAS (and IS) the intention of the Government. Josh Williamson makes the point that all changed with the passing of Same-Sex Marriage. There can be NO dissent despite Cameron wishing he hadn’t forced it through. It was the trouble it caused but not the issue – he’s (Cameron) fully persuaded it’s the right thing. If Gospel preachers rightly insist Homosexuality is a Sin as the Bible clearly teaches, you can be sure according to the State the Bible must be wrong, or the interpretation must be wrong and not Homosexuality.

It’s impossible for no-one to be offended. It’s purely subjective – different things offend different people. The State is going to decide what is offensive. So an offense will be whatever the State decides and there is no defense against that. Sounds a lot like Stalinist Russia to me. Christians are always being offended, it’s a staple for a great many comedians. That’s Democracy, that’s Free Speech! I’m offended and annoyed by power-hungry, greedy, lying, thieving, dis-loyal, hypocritical immoral manipulative propagandist politicians (a bit of free flowing subjectivity).

Just one important point to note here. If this goes through it will affect us all – the humanist religion as well. So unless you dislike Free Speech and prefer a Police State you better get used to being offended.

There’s a good interview with Josh Williamson (Arrested for street preaching in UK) on Janet Mefford that’s well worth a listen. Josh is first up and speaks with a lot of sense in this. There could be another Humanist / Christian alliance on this!

More to come on this topic.